Case Studies
2016-12-26 15:19:05
36 weeks USG shows gross lateral ventricle dilation 26mm spine, posterior fossa structure normal child delivered by LSCS...
2017-01-29 13:16:28
6 months old child brought with abnormal head shape normal head circumference small Anterior frontanelle, hand foot normal, developmental milestones appropriate for age...
2017-05-17 10:34:21
32 weeks gestation with dilated ventricle left lateral ventricle 13mm and right lateral ventricle 11mm , no spinal abnormity ,TORCH serology negative, how to Proceed?...
2017-07-24 14:01:06
15 month girl 4 months back had sudden squinting recovered almost completely in 30 days time head circumference at 95th percentile AF still open full pusatile no papilledema no Headache no vomiting MRI Brain done...
2017-08-09 10:34:39
1. No need to investigate with MRI in neonatal period if the skin is healthy and no neurological deficit...
2017-08-09 10:36:35
15 month girl 4 months back had sudden squinting recovered almost completely in 30 days time head circumference at 95th percentile AF still open full pusatile no papilledema no Headache no vomiting MRI Brain done...