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Incidence of Encephaloceles
Encephaloceles are less common than spinal dysraphism.The incidence of encephaloceles is reported at 1 per 3000 to 10,000 live birth. Occipital encephaloceles are more frequent than anterior encephaloceles.

Prenatal diagnosis is possible by ultrasound scanning by 13 weeks of gestation.Once an encephalocele is diagnosed, a search for associated anomaly can be looked for.Chromosomal abnormalities is recorded in 15-40%, I advise Karyotyping and fetal MRI

Once Child is born with encephalocele CT and MRI scans are commonly used investigating modalities .CT scan also helps in evaluation of ventricular system.The bone cut can delineate the content of the encephalocele and the bony defect in the skull base Hydrocephalus is commonly associated in posterior encephaloceles. CT Venography also helps in know the cerebral venous drainage system.

Principle behind the management of encephalocele is to excise the encephalocele and repair the dural defect after putting back the herniated brain into cranial cavity; if possible.Sometime it may not be possible to push the brain into the cranial cavity.Then the choice is to either excise the part of the brain or to give support to the brain in an extracranial space.