Case: 01
Category: Ante-natal Counseling
2016-12-26 15:19:05
Antenatal Colpocephaly
36 weeks USG shows gross lateral ventricle dilation 26mm spine, posterior fossa structure normal child delivered by LSCS
Head circumference 33.5cm Anterior frontanelle lax ct scan done
Plan of action and management?
Looking at the scan and clinically it looks like colpocephaly frontal horns are not dilated , 3rd and 4th ventricles size is normal. No need of VP Shunt followup Usg done after two weeks shows decrease in the ventricular size and Usg done at 4 weeks of ages shows near normal size. Mri Brain is suggested at 12 weeks age to look for Corpus callosal dysgenesis/agenesis. ,Re-assure parents and Pediatrician
Moral of the Story
Colpocephaly is a self limiting entity .
No need of any surgical intervention.